Just Call Me Internet
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Simple News Command Keys
All command letters are case sensitive. The upper case and lower case
letters can and do perform different commands. (i.e. 'n' and 'N'
perform different functions)
The '^' symbol before a letter indicates that the <control> key
should be pressed with this letter. In other words this is a control
character. (i.e. ^n is control-n)
The '<>' symbols surrounding letters indicate that this is the single
key denoted by the contents of the brackets. (i.e. <TAB> refers to
the 'TAB' key)
Some functions can be reached from more than one key.
Previous Users Note !
The assignment of some keys has been changed. In particular the key
to post an article is now 'w' (for write). The keys used for marking
of articles / threads as read have also changed significantly !
At the Group Selection level...
^D,^F Page Down.
^U,^B Page Up.
b Go backward a page.
B Mail a support question to the Demon Internet Support
c Mark this group as read.
C mark this group as read and advance to the next group with
unread messages.
g Choose a new group by name. On startup the default name is
set to demon.announce.
j Move down a line.
k Move up a line.
h,H Show the group help screen.
M Send Mail to someone.
N Go to next group with unread messages.
n Read the next group with unread messages.
q,Q Quit to DOS.
v Show version information.
w Write a new article.
z Mark all articles in this group as unread.
/ Search forward for a newsgroup by name.
? Search backward for a newsgroup by name.
! Shell to DOS (Type 'exit' to return to Snews).
<RETURN> Enter this group.
<TAB> Read the next group with unread messages.
<SPACE> Go forward a page.
<PgUp> Page Up.
<PgDn> Page Down.
<F1> Show the group help screen.
<F2> Show the system parameters read from snews.rc.
<F3> Change session parameters.
<arrow down> Move down a line.
<arrow up> Move up a line.
<arrow rt> Enter the current Newsgroup.
<ESC> Quit to DOS.
<HOME> Go to the first Newsgroup.
<END> Go to the last Newsgroup.
At the Thread Selection level...
^D,^F Page Down.
^U,^B Page Up.
b Page Up.
B Mail a support question to the Demon Internet Support
c Mark all articles in newsgroup as read and return to Group
C Mark all articles in newsgroup as read.
^H Read the last article in the thread.
h,H Show the thread help screen.
j Move down a line
k Move up a line.
K Mark thread as read.
M Send mail to someone.
N Go next unread article.
P Go to previous unread article.
q,Q Quit to Group Selection.
s Save thread to mailbox defined in Snews.rc
S Save thread to file (Snews prompts for the name)
v Show version information
w Write a new article
X Mark all articles in this group prior to current thread
as read. (Bookmark)
z,Z Mark thread as unread.
/ Search articles forward for a text.
? Search articles backward for a text.
+ Search headers forward for text.
- Search headers backwards for text.
! Shell to DOS (Type 'exit' to return to Snews).
<RETURN> Read first article in thread.
<TAB> Read next unread article in group.
<SPACE> Page Down.
<BACKSPACE> Read the last article in the thread.
<PgUp> Page Up.
<PgDn> Page Down.
<F1> Show the Group level help screen.
<F2> Show the system parameters read from snews.rc.
<F3> Change session parameters.
<arrow down> Move down a line.
<arrow up> Move up a line.
<arrow rt> Read the first article in the thread.
<arrow lt> Return to Group Display level.
<ESC> Quit to Group Display level.
<HOME> Go to the first Thread in the Newsgroup.
<END> Go to the last Thread in the Newsgroup.
At the Article display level ...
^D,^F Page Down.
^U,^B Page Up.
^H Show the article header.
^R Show first page of article.
$ Show last page of article.
b Page Up.
B Mail a support question to the Demon Internet Support
d Toggle ROT-13 display of article.
f,F Write a followup article.
g Go to first page of an article.
G Go to last page of an article.
h,H Show the article level help screen.
k Mark article as read and go to next unread.
K Mark thread as read.
m Mail article to someone.
M Mail to someone.
n Go to next article.
N Go to next unread article.
o Output article to printer.
p go to previous article.
q,Q Quit to thread display level.
<ESC> Quit to thread display level.
r Send reply to author.
R Send reply to someone.
s Save article to mailbox defined in Snews.rc
S Save article to file (Snews prompts for the name)
T Return to Group Selection level.
v Show version information.
w Write a new article.
/ Search articles forward for text.
? Search articles backward for text.
! Shell to DOS (Type 'exit' to return to Snews).
< Go to first article in thread.
> Go to last article in thread.
<RETURN> Read the first / next article in the thread.
<TAB> Page down through article, going to next unread article
from last page.
<SPACE> Page Down.
<BACKSPACE> Show the article header.
<F1> Show the Article level help screen.
<F2> Show the system parameters read from snews.rc.
<F3> Change session parameters.
<arrow down> Move down a line.
<arrow up> Move up a line.
<arrow rt> Read the next article in the thread, without marking
current article as read.
<arrow lt> Read the previous article in the thread, without marking
the current article as read.